No son tus claves, no son tus monedas. El prestamista de criptomonedas, CeFi Vauld, ha suspendido "todos los retiros, operaciones y depósitos".
BnkToTheFuture News
BnkToTheFuture is an online investment platform founded by Simon and Bliss Dixons in 2010 and headquartered in Hong Kong. BnkToTheFuture is focused on investments in fintech companies and the cryptocurrency industry. After working as an investment banker, Simon Dixon invested in Bitcoin and then supported various influential blockchain projects, some of which still have large market capitalization. His experience in blockchain investments helped him with the establishment of BnkToTheFuture, which currently has of more than $531 million invested through it and has gained positive reviews from Sir Richard Branson and other influential figures. BnkToTheFuture’s ICO gained more than $30 million from institutional investors and showed great support for the project. It is considered to be the largest online investment platform and is well known for its transparency and bank-grade security.
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Las tres propuestas de BnkToTheFuture incluyen dos formas diferentes de reestructurar y relanzar la empresa o una opción de coinvertir en la empresa con un grupo de ballenas de Bitcoin.
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El cofundador de BnkToTheFuture, Simon Dixon, ha propuesto un plan de recuperación similar a la solución ofrecida a Bitfinex tras su hackeo de bitcoin en agosto de 2016.
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Los representantes de las empresas supuestamente hackeadas niegan rotundamente las acusaciones, afirmando que la vulnerabilidad fue arreglada hace años.
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El Coronavirus se calmará, pero les dará a los gobiernos carta blanca para controlar el dinero y la gente que no tiene más remedio que usarlo, advierte Simon Dixon.